Ong's Back

While the masses might think of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan as the epitome of cinematic fights, a new warrior has arrived -- showcasing feats of talent and skill that most can only dream of doing (or at least play in a video game). Tony Jaa's Ong Bak was the first real taste of Jaa's knee-flying, bone-crunching martial arts antics. While Jaa was featured in The Protector between now and Ong Bak's original release, it failed matched the intensity of Ong Bak. But Ong Bak 2 is on its way and from the look at the promo reel on Twitch, anyone who isn't Tony Jaa is going to be very sore after filming.

The story is sparse at best -- Jaa plays a young man who is saved from execution by a group of martial artists and quickly comes to realize that he is "the one." The promo reel depicts man fighting styles, as well as Jaa running and fighting on top of elephants, suggesting that if you are looking for plot or characters, you are in the wrong place. Jaa does his own fights and his own stunts, and he does them bigger than anyone before him. This time, he's adding a new trick to his repertoire -- director. Being only his third leading role, Jaa will also make his directorial debut with Ong Bak 2. The film will show up at Cannes this year and hopefully in our theaters not too long after that.