Predict Summer Box Office And Win Prizes

The summer movie season officially kicks off this weekend, which means Hollywood starts bringing in the big dollars. As usual, we here at Cinema Blend think we know more than everyone else, so we’re going head to head to see which one of us has the most powerful box office predicting powers.

Think you know more about how this summer will shake out than us? Then test your skill against us over at, where we’re trading movies and making our play to see which of us best knows our stuff. Will Wolverine have a $100 million weekend? Will anyone actually go see Matthew McConaughey’s latest romantic comedy? I hope not, since I’m betting against it.

To get involved in the box office prediction game, simply hit MediaPredict and sign up. You’re instantly in competition against me, Katey, and the rest of the Cinema Blend team. See if you can take us out, make your own box office predictions, and you could win up to $500 in prizes. See official contest rules. Then follow along with all of our picks on MP’s dedicated Cinema Blend competition page right here.

So far I’m betting against Wolverine but Katey seems to think it’ll have legs. That’s alright, I’ll make bank when she’s wrong.

Josh Tyler