New Promotion For Fanboys

We reported the other day about the Weinstein Company’s schedule shift, which has resulted in yet another move for Fanboys, the story of a group of friends who rally together and go on a road trip to sneak a peek at Star Wars: Episode I prior to its release. It almost seems like the waiting for Fanboys has gotten worse than the waiting for The Phantom Menace.

The date may have shifted, but the Weinsteins are ramping up promotion for their film. Cinematical has gotten a new one-sheet for the movie, as well as a couple of stills.

I love the poster, which offers a Star Wars fanboy twist to the style of poster Judd Apatow brought us with The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up. The pictures capitalize on the movie’s biggest known assets - Jay Baruchel and Kristen Bell in her Slave Leia costume. After my tirade the other day about not caring about this movie anymore, these images are almost enough to get me excited about Fanboys’ eventual release.

Head over to Cinematical to look at their exclusive image gallery.