Six New Images From X-Files Tell Us Nothing

I was never a fan of the The X-Files back in its 90s heyday, so I’m not really the target audience for the upcoming X-Files: I Want to Believe. But all the same, I’m starting to think that no one has the slightest interest in this movie. Aside from a handful of posters on the subway, I’ve seen virtually no promotion for it. Where are all the magazine articles talking about the return of Mulder and Scully? Where is the excitement from the youth? Oh, that’s right—the youth were all watching Barney when The X-Files was last popular.

You’d think the PR people behind this movie might try to jazz up the interest factor by releasing stills or trailers or some promotional material that gave us an idea of what the movie is actually about. Come on, it’s 2008! Only Lost is allowed to torment us with mysteries these days. But, alas, based on the six new stills available at Rope of Silicon, that’s not really in the cards. The photos feature Mulder and Scully, yes, but they’re so generic that it’s possible to tell what’s going on, except that it’s very serious. Kind of like the promo shots for The Happening a few weeks ago, pretty much all these are telling us is that the characters spend a lot of time staring sternly into space.

Yup, it’s pretty bad. Check out the images at Rope of Silicon and tell me if you are any more excited than you were 10 minutes ago. I have to say, the excitement for this movie is still not there for me. I want to believe in the power of summer blockbusters to be awesome, but X-Files, you might not be worth it.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend