Sony Holds A Grudge

Sony Pictures apparentely has a grudge against the moviegoing public. Hollywood Reporter shared the unfortunate news of an upcoming sequel to The Grudge, creatively titled The Grudge 2. The original film was about a supernatural curse launched by people who were murdered, and wanted to spread the misery onto other unsuspecting victims. Director Takashi Shimizu and writer Stephen Susco are reteaming for the project.

The sequel is part of a two-picture deal between Sony and production company Ghost House Pictures. The other film, called The Scarecrow is another horror movie, marking the English language film debut of the Hong Kong natives, The Pang Brothers (The Eye). Oddly enough, Sarah Michelle Gellar has not yet signed on to the cash cow. Perhaps she is too busy slaying vampires or having a facial.

Hey, remember when horror movies were good? Yeah, I can't think that far back either.