Three Trailers Will Premiere Before Dark Knight

Isn’t it common knowledge by now that trailers can be as much fun as the movie itself? You suffer through the same inane commercials and weird PSAs from the theaters, and then you get a glimpse of whatever you’ll be lining up to see in a few months. For some movies the previews can get as many cheers as the movies themselves—like when The Dark Knight trailer ran before my screening of Iron Man back in May.

Now it’s actually time for The Dark Knight himself, and since we’ve pretty much exhausted all kinds of speculation for the movie itself, we’ve resorted to predicting which trailers will run before the movie. say they’ve confirmed which trailers will be running before the Warner Bros. release—and, wouldn’t you know it, it’s trailers for upcoming Warner Bros. movies! Not, unfortunately, this November’s Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, but other hot-ticket items like Watchmen, Terminator: Salvation and Body of Lies.

Those are all the trailer premieres—we’ll presumably see a few other trailers that have been shown elsewhere, maybe for Star Wars: The Clone Wars or maybe even Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. But, regardless, those three premieres should be more than enough to get the fans whooping. Everything that’s come from The Watchmen so far has looked stellar, and I’m dying to see what it looks like in action. And who isn’t curious about Terminator: Salvation at this point?

So, you’ll be lined up outside the theater before The Dark Knight anyway, but make sure you’re not in the popcorn line when these trailers come on. You might miss one of the highlights of the night.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend