Video: 5 Clips From The Wrestler

You’ve been hearing critics praise this movie for what seems like months now, but your chance to see it won’t come for another two weeks. For those of you out in the Roanoke, Virginias of the world, you’ll probably be waiting until 2009. I feel your pain, I grew up in Belton. Never heard of it? Exactly.

Trust me though, it’s worth the wait. Mickey Rourke plays a beaten up, battered, retired wrestler and Marissa Tomei is a stripper. Not a Hollywood starlet stripper who never gets naked mind you, but a real stripper with all the problems and nudity inherent therein.

You won’t see much of Marissa shaking her thing in the clips below, but you will get a taste for what’s so great about The Wrestler. Watch all five clips, they’re worth your time:

Josh Tyler