New Voyage Of The Dawn Treader Trailer Hides Prince Caspian And Eustace

It's fair if you forgotten that there's a third movie in the Chronicles of Narnia film coming-- Disney forgot about it entirely, ditching the third movie to be made by Fox instead-- but it's true, Voyage of the Dawn Treader is set to hit theaters December 10. The marketing campaign started off right with a snazzy teaser trailer back in June, and now it's picking up steam with a second trailer, apparently available on the DIary of a Wimpy Kid DVD and put online by (via Movieline).

The new trailer looks fine, but isn't it also a little misleading? Older Pevensie children Susan and Peter are on display, even though they're not in the third book, and there's still no mention of snotty cousin Eustace, who's a major character in Dawn Treader. They don't even show you the face of Ben Barnes as Prince Caspian, who you think might be a decent-sized draw (Prince Caspian did manage to make $419 million worldwide, after all). So all in all, I'm not sure what to make of this one, and I'm still likely to forget within the next few weeks that this movie is coming out.

But don't take my word for it-- check out the trailer for yourself below.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend