New WOW Pics And Trailers

The best War of the Worlds info is either found internationally, or on television. The latest bit of alien attacking greatness comes in the form of the film’s second trailer… yes it shows alien! Well, a little bit of one anyway. At least I think that’s alien. It looks rather tripodish. Check out second War of the Worlds TV spot by right clicking and “Save As” on the link below. Yep, it’s a downloadable version!

Swipe to scroll horizontally

Almost right in concert with the appearance of actual alien pieces, DreamWorks has also released a TON of new photos to us from the film. They’ve given up trickling pants peeing photos out one at a time and just dropped a heap of them all at once. I’ve updated our War of the Worlds Preview Page with them, click here to see them all.

And as long as you're looking for tentacles, you might as well also peek over at the War of the Worlds Official Site where they've just updated to add a new bag of goodies to the download section.