New Wall-E Images

Am I the only one that’s a little worried about Wall-E? I want to love it, I’m ready to love it, but the trailers are laying the cuteness factor on so thick that it’s starting to skew past sweet towards sickly sweet. Too much cute! This is a robot after all, there are limits to how warm and cuddly he should be, aren’t there?

Maybe it’s just the trailers, because the new bunch of stills Disney has just sent us from the film are rather good. See them all in our image gallery by clicking on WALL-E’s starship below:

“WALL-E stands for Waste Allocation Load Lifters -- Earth Class, and the film is about a future in which Earth has become so overrun by trash that it’s uninhabitable for humans. 700 years before the movie takes place, the entire human race lives in an orbiting space ship, and sends robots down to the planet to clean it up. Flash to the present, and the project has failed. Only one robot is left on Earth still at work cleaning the place, and his name is WALL-E. WALL-E, a robot, spends every day doing what he was made for. But soon, he will discover what he was meant for.”

Josh Tyler