X3 Teaser Images

Last week we brought you what was almost certainly a fake, made-up description of what someone claimed would be the first X3 trailer (here. What made it seem fake was how… detailed it sounded. This early in production you wouldn't expect them to have so much finished footage.

Well, now we have something that seems a LOT more real. A Spanish language movie site whose name I will not even attempt to spell has posted what they claim are photos from the real X3 teaser, due out in theaters soon. Why is this more believable? First off, there's not much to it. Some of you may remember the teasers for the other X-Men movies. You'll recall they showed you absolutely nothing. Just a damn X. Well, this is more of the same, and it's exactly what you'd expect with the movie so early into production.

If you're interested, click here to check out all their stills. Don't expect much, it's pretty boring. Real news stories are never as fun as fake ones.