The Daddy's Home 2 Trailer Is Either Really Well Edited Or The Sequel Looks Better Than The Original

You may not know it, but Daddy's Home was actually a pretty big when it hit theaters in 2015. At least, it was a big enough hit to ensure that Daddy's Home 2 would be heading our way this November. Though by the looks of the first trailer for the sequel, it looks like that's nothing but good news. Watch the trailer for the film below, and prepare to debate.

No offense to Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell, who engage in banter as endearing as ever in the first minutes of the Daddy's Home 2 trailer, but the real heroes are none other than their respective fathers. Wahlberg's father will be played by historic hard-case Mel Gibson and Ferrell's is the always delightful John Lithgow. With Christmas serving as a big reunion that includes the shared family between Ferrell and Wahlberg, having four (potentially five) dads in the mix could spell for even bigger laughs than that first film.

It has to be said that we first heard that Daddy's Home 2 was happening, we were surprised as anyone. But with the first film scoring almost $243 million at the worldwide box office right as Star Wars: The Force Awakens was obliterating records left and right, clearly Paramount felt it had a winner to spin the wheel with a second time. Judging by the presence of both Mel Gibson and John Lithgow in this film, it looks like the studio knew what it had to do to give Daddy's Home 2 some extra powder in the canon, and their antics only look to be working at full tilt.

However, there's one factor of Daddy's Home 2 that we've seen a woeful lack of in this trailer, as well as overall. As we know, John Cena is looking to reprise his role of Roger, the biological dad who share's fatherly duties with Mark Wahlberg when it comes to his stepdaughter. Now maybe it's just because we need to be introduced to Gibson and Lithgow's grandfather characters before we get wind of what function Cena will be serving. But the trailer has us worried since Cena's cameo is more built into the fabric of the potential franchise, and has yet to be hinted at- despite being teased as a more substantial role for him in Daddy's Home 2.

Still, Daddy's Home 2 has still knocked its first trailer out of the park, despite the lack of John Cena. And for comparison, you can watch the trailer for Daddy's Home on the next page, just to see if you're on the same page as us. Meanwhile, Daddy's Home 2 is looking to take on the box office with its November 10th release date.

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Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.