Casting News: Lexi Grey Becomes A Regular Anatomy Member

Chyler Leigh on Supergirl
(Image credit: The CW)

As much as I enjoyed her portrayal of the cliché teen ugly duckling in Not Another Teen Movie I honestly had completely forgotten about Chyler Leigh. Now I come to find out she’s not only cast to join ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ as a regular, but she’s already been on the show. Hell, she’s been doing a few things here and there that I never noticed. Well, except for ‘That 80s Show.’ Which was as mediocre as the final season’s of ‘That 70s Show.’ We already had a great 80s era program in ‘Freaks and Geeks’ that got cancelled, not too sure we needed another.

Leigh appeared in the season finale of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ this year as Meredith’s half-sister, Lexi Grey. According to The Hollywood Reporter she will be playing one of the new interns on the show, which makes you wonder if the show is going to showcase the usual band of suspects as the “teachers.” ‘Scrubs’ made this transition after a few seasons and it worked well. Not to mention if we’re going to try and believe these people are growing as doctors there should be some facet of natural progression taking place. Wait a second. I think I just said we’re supposed to “believe” these characters. Meredith and her merry band of miscreants are about as believable as a snake offering an apple.

Anyways, I guess this means I’ll be missing out on more of Chyler Leigh. Ah well, I still have Saturday afternoon showings of Not Another Teen Movie on Comedy Central to be reminded of her existence.

Steve West

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.