TV Blend Chooses It's Top 12 Picks for 'Big Brother: All Stars'
On Wednesday Night, a special episode of ‘Big Brother’ took place and unofficially kicked off Season 7 of the reality series. I say “unofficial” because the game hasn’t begun. This week’s pre-season episode introduced the twenty people from previous seasons that are hoping to be voted in as one of the twelve All-Star houseguests. Some of us here at TV Blend are big fans of ‘BB’ and we decided to compile a list of our picks for ‘Big Brother: All-Stars”.
1. BB2> Will - He’ll be on everybody’s list for sure. The evil doctor is without question the greatest reality tv contestant of all time. And let’s face it; those of us who’ve been watching ‘BB’ every season since season two have been waiting for another “Evil Will” houseguest. Though there’ve been quite a few great houseguests that followed him, none managed to bring that perfect blend of charm, strategic ability and sexiness to the table. Let’s just hope that if Will does come back, he doesn’t disappoint us! We’re not sure how his “lie, lie, lie” strategy will work when all his fellow houseguests know his game. His popularity and reputation for deceit might be his downfall but then again, it didn’t stop him in Season 2.
2. BB6> Howie – Bring back the hurricane! A lot of people hated Howie when he first stepped into the ‘BB’ house last season but he managed to build a significant fanbase after the first few weeks. He’s fun to watch and will no doubt deliver the laugh out loud moments with his oversized ego (“Best looking houseguest in Big Brother history!”) and ability to find ways to entertain himself when things get dull around the house or when he’s feeling “frustrated” (Season 6 live feed viewers know what I’m talking about). Howie’s one flaw in his game last season was listening to the nerd herd and allowing them to persuade him to get James out. If Howie returns to the house this season, we hope he’s smart enough to NOT vote out one of his alliance members.
3. BB6> Janelle – Aside from being total eye-candy, Janelle is another one whose just so much fun to watch. She says what’s on her mind and isn’t afraid to be herself. There’s no room for dull, timid players in this game and Janelle is a shining example of what we at TV Blend want to see when we watch ‘Big Brother’. She’s got a good heart but also a nasty streak. If you get on her bad, the fangs come out. Janelle has to come back.
4. BB5> Jase – Another one with an oversized ego, Jase never stood a chance in season 5 but its possible that he’ll rethink his strategy if he makes it to season 7. However, he’s an entertaining one who could actually win competitions. We hate seeing houseguests who are useless in competitions (unless they can compensate with sneaky vindictiveness like Will did) so Jase is a threat to the other houseguests because he’s good at the games. He’s probably one of those guys who goes to carnivals and wins the ridiculously huge Styrofoam filled animals for his girlfriends.
5. BB6> Kaysar– No real explanation is needed here (but we’ll give you one anyway). When they replayed his response to Maggie, “No, I sealed your partner’s fate.”, We remembered that this was the exact moment when America fell in love with him. His flaw was his blinders. He gets an idea in his head and he blocks out anything that might throw a wrench in his plan. If/when he comes back, he needs to lay low and not claim leadership of the group. He plays better when he’s not in the spotlight. Might not be a bad idea to go it alone as much as possible, Kaysar and for God’s sake, don’t take your finger off the button next time some mousy brunette swears on her life!
6. BB3>Marcellas – Some people don’t like him but after that huge mistake with the Veto (he won it but didn’t use it and ended up getting voted out that week) he needs a chance to redeem himself. Marcellas has also been hosting ‘House Calls’ for the last few seasons. ‘House Calls’ is a web broadcasted show where Marcellas and his co-host Gretchin review the live feed gossip as well as the episodes and talk about what’s going on with the house. Basically Marcellas has been extremely involved in the show since he left which pretty much puts him at expert status. We’d like to see what he will do with the knowledge he’s gained if he’s voted itn. Basically, he’s been talking a LOT of talk and now we want to see if he can walk the walk.
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7. BB6> James – Yes, another season sixer. Season 6 had a lot of great personalities and James was one of them. His flaw in the house was playing the middle-man card way too early and causing his “real” alliance to doubt him. Had he not made that mistake and lost the trust of the entire house he may have made it to the final two. James is probably the closest thing to Dr. Will that any houseguest managed to get in terms of game play and lets face it, his good looks. This time no more whiny girlfriend to hang on him! (nothing personal against Sarah because she seemed like a great girl but she was not cut out for the game and unintentionally held James back).
8. BB2> Monica – Some people couldn’t stand her but she was another one who spoke her mind and didn’t back down. People who cower and back down in the face of other people’s aggression are boring. Monica was fun to watch and most importantly, she was real.
9. BB6> Ivette – (yes, we realize we’ve got all the nominees from season 6 on our list). Before the friendship-haters jump all over us, please understand, we ourselves disliked the Friendship. However, we believe Ivette deserves a second chance. This time around she might surprise people and if she doesn’t, well at least we’ll have a houseguest that we can demonize. Afterall, what fun is ‘BB’ if you cant jump onto the internet and verbally bash a few houseguests?!
10> BB4> Erika- She was a strong player who had a solid alliance with Jack. We’d like to see if she can build another strong alliance and also, apply her strategy of “staying out of it” to this new group.
11> BB2 > Bunky – he’s sweet. That’s about all we can say about him. We can’t have a house full of alphas so based on the very small list of swayable houseguests in contention for the show, Bunky’s our pick. It’s either him or Cowboy, folks. Bunky is fun to watch in all his furriness.
12> BB4> Allison – Can’t stand her! Bring her back so we can see her lose again!!! Seriously, on this list there’s ten people we love, one we think might be able to redeem herself and we saved the last for the villain. Let’s not fill the house up with 12 people we adore and then be sad when they turn on each other. If not Allison then Diane but either will do.
So those are our picks! Voting can be done on CBS’s ‘BB’ website. The polls close at 8:59 pm on June 28th. The 7th season of ‘Big Brother’ stars July 6th.
What do you think of our picks? Share your opinions by posting a comment or check out the ‘Big Brother: All-Stars’ thread in our forum!