TV Recap: My Boys - Facebook the Past

Facebook has invaded My Boys. PJ’s using it to keep up with old friends, Brendan’s using it to promote the bar, Kenny’s using it as a way into his life, and Mike, well, Mike is being creepy as always.

The only one not into Facebook is Bobby. He just doesn’t feel the need to have virtual friends when he can have real ones. Too bad he doesn’t feel the same way as PJ because she’s not just keeping up with old friends, she keeping up with old boyfriends. Thorn’s on there, as is the hilarious Matt. Everyone loves Matt, but don’t worry, he was the freshman boyfriend. Still, he is an attractive guy and he’s not only a virtual friend. PJ’s having dinner with him this weekend. So Bobby’s a little jealous but he’s not getting mad. Instead, he’s getting on Facebook and reconnecting with a few old loves of his own. In fact, he is grabbing coffee with his high school sweetheart. Now who’s jealous? Seriously, though don’t worry.

Mike should worry a little. He pits man versus machine when he challenges Brendan to a battle. See, there’s this woman who comes into John’s and Brendan has his eye on. They’ve talked a few times but he’s still getting to know her. Mike sees her and thinks he can win her over by learning everything about her from Facebook. It works at first. He lies and tells her he’s from Idaho, just like she is. He tells her he’s into Native American culture because she’s half Blackfoot. Oh yeah, he’s totally winning.

Then, he tells her about a reading by her favorite author coming up. She’s really excited but instead of asking Mike to go with her, she asks Brendan. Guess the man still wins, just like history has taught us (according to Brendan). I mean, look at Terminator and Battlestar Galatica.

What did we learn this week? Way too much about Kenny, who likes to post when he’s going to the bathroom and then how it went when he’s finished. PJ and Bobby can still make each other jealous but when they break up, he’ll stay friends with her. Man always wins in the end (at least when it’s a man like Brendan and a machine like Mike). You don’t want to attend your 5th grade reunion a la Andy because you find out you weren’t the king of the playground and your first girlfriend was everyone’s first girlfriend. Stick with the real world friends, kiddies, and you’ll probably be better off.