Enchanted Name Checks Disney Cannon

If you haven’t seen Enchanted, the new Disney comedy-romance that lightly spoofs Disney movies, you are one hard-hearted bastard. Not only does it star the one and only “Hot Girl” from The Office, Amy Adams, but it is very funny, enjoyable, and limits its helpings of both cheese and syrup. It also contains tons of references to other Disney movies. Many are obvious to even casual fans, but it takes a real hard-core obsessive loser to sniff them all out. Why are you looking at me, I couldn’t do it.

Someone did it, though, and then the Kansas City Star published it for everyone to enjoy. It’s not clear who actually put the list together, but it was apparently someone involved in the production. The words “we” and “our” are used in various descriptions. Whoever put it together has a lot of time on their hands and threw in all references big and small.

Seeing the bus driver with Mickey shaped hairdo or realizing that Belle’s singing voice, Paige O’Hara, from Beauty and the Beast is the soap opera star Edward watches is mere child’s play. Picking up that the divorcing couple is named after the Mary Poppins parents or that the name of the law firm is a tribute to certain Disney songwriters may not be picked up on your first run through. So if you haven’t seen the movie, go; if you have, print out the list and go again. Warning: some spoilers for the those who haven’t seen the movie are in the list, but it’s not like you wouldn’t figure out the ending yourself anyway.