Blockbuster Puts Studios On Notice

Blockbuster's financial problems continue, but obviously the company is feeling cocky enough to bow up to studios. CEO James Keyes has warned that if studios don't send them new releases before Netflix or Redbox, it'll cost the studios shelf space in Blockbuster's stores.

Keyes went into detail about the ultimatum with The Hollywood Reporter, explaining the simple reality that "We're going to help those who are helping us." Blockbuster made news earlier this year when it cut deals with Fox, Warner Bros., and Universal that grants Blockbuster earlier access to new releases, while competitors Netflix and Redbox have to wait 28 days to get the new offerings from the involved studios.

Whether the deal will save Blockbuster in the long run remains to be seen: that same article notes that Blockbuster lost $65 million in its first quarter.