Fallout 3: Broken Steel Screenshots

Bethesda announced today that Broken Steel, the third downloadable episode for Fallout 3, will be released on May 5th for 800 Microsoft Points. Accompanying the announcement were the first screenshots for the new content.

Unlike previous DLC episodes Operation Anchorage and The Pitt, Broken Steel is not a standalone adventure accessible at any time. It takes place after the ending of Fallout 3. The level cap will be raised from 20 to 30 and your decisions from the end of the retail campaign will be incorporated into the new content. According to this Gamespot interview, Broken Steel will specifically focus on the Brotherhood of Steel faction.

As you can see from the screenshots below, the DLC will offer up some new locations, enemies, and weapons. Steel is the last of the DLC Bethesda has announced for the game. It's not clear whether they'll produce additional content in the future.

Pete Haas

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.