Ali Larter Is Obsessed With You

ali larter in resident evil afterlife
(Image credit: Sony Pictures Entertainment)

It used to be that only the biggest tentpole movies ventured into online viral advertising, with stuff like prank phone calls from the characters and elaborate online sites. But now even Obsessed, a small thriller that was pushed from a February release and finally gets released on April 24, wants you to play along with their game

At the website Get Obsessed With Ali, you can enter a friend's photo and some key information about them, and send them an e-mail in which Ali Larter holds up their photo, talks about all the awesome things they'll do together, and how they'll eventually leave their significant other for her. It's a play off the movie's plot, in which Larter plays a secretary who becomes unhealthily focused on her boss (Idris Elba). I still can't really figure out how Larter manages to cause trouble in his marriage, though, given that the character is married to Beyonce.

Anyway, if you want an example of how it all works, check out this example, in which Ali Larter is all about Brad Pitt.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend