Another Creepy Poster For Hostel II

I have to be honest. As much as I like Eli Roth and loved Cabin Fever, his last picture, Hostel wasn’t my cup of tea. So much so, in fact, that I rented the flick and it sat in my office for almost two weeks unwatched. That’s right – I paid to rent the movie and paid late fees, but could never drive myself to watch the film.

Part of that reason was because the ad campaign for Hostel left me so creeped out that I knew I didn’t want to see the final picture. Don’t get me wrong. I have a pretty strong constitution when it comes to these kinds of films, but if Cabin Fever left me a little queasy at times, I could only imagine what Roth would do with a movie that wasn’t tongue-in-cheek.

The ad campaign for Hostel II is making the next picture look like a worthy sequel, leaving me with that same creeped out feeling. Take a look at the new teaser poster to the right (click below to take you to a larger version of it). It doesn’t exactly leave you with a feeling of contentment, does it? Roth is really good at what he does… and so far the campaign behind the movie is showing that off marvelously.

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Click to see a larger version of the new poster