Cinema Blend Is Now Even More Free, Down With Paywalls

The logo for CinemaBlend.
(Image credit: CinemaBlend)

As the world of newspapers crumbles, the last remnants of old media’s corporate structure are flocking to the internet as their savior, and most of them plan to make money off of you by hiding their content behind subscription based pay walls. Others, as suggested in a recent article by Ad Week, plan to force you to endure an ad wall to get at their content, an onslaught of advertising so pervasive you’ll wish for the good old days of popups. Here at Cinema Blend, we’ll continue to do neither.

Cinema Blend, like most of the independently owned publishers on the web, remains completely free of charge. But with old media flocking to the internet and looking for new ways to put their hands in your wallet, we don’t think we’re free enough. We’re taking the next step and making Cinema Blend even more free, and now we’re one step away from actually paying you for being smart enough to show up here.

We’re doing it by launching Cinema Blend’s Kino Katey, where our own Katey Rich will grab you by the lapels and shake until you let her put her thoughts in your head. There you’ll find short bursts of insightful pop culture commentary and discussion straight from Katey to you, in the form of videos, podcasts, and text commentary. What you won’t find is advertising, of any kind.

Kino Katey will be the first part of Cinema Blend to roll out on the internet completely unsupported by ads, or unsupported by anything else. We aren’t making any money off it, instead we’re paying money out in an effort to breathe life into this little section as a reward to all of you.

In fact we’re so confident that you’ll respond by sending your friends to visit the rest of the site, we don’t even care where you get Kino Katey, as long as you get it. You can skip the website entirely and feed Kino Katey directly into your life, to the other websites you already spend your time on, or on to the mobile devices you’re already carrying. Here’s just a few of the many ways you can get instant Kino Katey thoughts without ever visiting this website:

• Get all of Kino Katey’s videos and text updates on your iPhone with our ad-free, instant iPhone app.• Get it as a podcast and listen to Kino Katey audio with iTunes.• You’re already on Facebook anyway, why not get full Kino Katey content sent straight into your Facebook news feed by liking the Kino Katey Facebook page. Don’t worry, you won’t be flooded with a massive overload of updates. Kino Katey blogs are limited to a manageable amount in simple, quick-read sizes.• Maybe you’re addicted to Twitter. As long as you’re there, you might as well get Kino Katey that way. Just follow @kinokatey on Twitter.•Addicted to YouTube? Subscribe to Kino Katey’s YouTube channel.Or if you’re an expert user, just insert Katey’s blogs into your life in any way you want them using the full RSS feed.

It’s just the beginning. We’ll be adding all sorts of new, free ways to get Kino Katey in the coming weeks (look for an Android version of the Kino Katey app soon!), while adding new videos, podcasts, and other short bursts of awesome perfectly suited for occupying your time while you’re stuck waiting in line with nothing but your cell phone or your Facebook login to feed your mind.

Let Katey put her thoughts in you. Hop on over to and add her into your life.

Josh Tyler