Ferrell is Lost

Sometimes we look back to our childhood and reminisce about the good ole days; when tv shows were cooler. GET OVER IT. Your past sucked. Believe me. I’m 31 and every horrible show I enjoyed as a kid is now being turned into a movie. Reuters brings word of another show I thought was cool when I was 8 now being turned into a feature film. Believe me, Land of the Lost was not cool. Trust me. I sometimes wonder if Sid and Marty Croft secretly were retards. If they weren’t tards, they sure liked making fun of them.

The TV show’s premise was Forest Ranger Rick Marshall and his kids, Will and Holly, were rafting on the Colorado River when they were sucked into a vortex that transports them to a mysterious world populated by dinosaurs and funky things called Sleestacks.

Folks, I can’t make this stuff up. It’s ridiculous and I watched it every Saturday morning. If I could get sucked into a vortex that would take me back to my house when I was 8, I would kick my own ass for watching this.

However, I haven’t said if the movie would suck. Fear not, Will Ferrell has been hired to star as Rick Marshall! Yes!! The only way to make this cool is by letting Ferrell be a retard and run amuck. As long as this is a comedy it has a chance. Take a look at some ridiculous pictures below while I book my flight to Colorado. I have an appointment to kick my younger ass!