Hancock Wears More Than A Knit Cap

Ever since I saw the trailer I’ve been in love with the concept of Hancock. Will Smith just seems like the right guy to be playing a washed-up superhero, now down on his luck and barely attempting to do the right thing. The trailer and poster just crack me up, with Smith sporting that funky knit-cap and a face full of stubble, this is definitely not your typical superhero.

Because we never saw it in the trailer, it never occurred to me that we’ll need to see Hancock in his heyday in order to contrast how far he’s fallen as a hero, but images have popped up of Smith wearing something more akin to a typical superhero costume. I have to say, the pictures look glorious. I’m hoping these are images of Hancock in his prime, not images of him after he’s found some sort of redemption and picked his life back up.

Take a look at the images below, found by Cine21.