Meg Made

As much as I’d like to root for fellow movie site webmasters to make it big, I just can’t get excited about this announcement: Creator Nick Nunziata’s pet giant shark project Meg is getting made. Oddly enough, CHUD wasn’t the first site to announce it, chock this one up to another report from Variety.

Based on a shark novel no one has ever heard of our cared about, Meg is the story of a really big, really hungry prehistoric shark who (presumably) eats some people in modern times. The big news is that the movie is actually getting made, having been picked up by Lord of the Rings-less New Line Cinema. The movie brings with it Film Critic turned wannabe movie mogul Nick Nunziata as a producer, along with Jan De Bont as a director.

Having seen more than my share of shark eats people movies in 28 years of movie watching, it’s hard to imagine there’s much left to bring to the genre. Making the shark prehistoric hardly justifies the movie’s existence. At best, we’re looking at something on the level of Anaconda when it eventually gets released Summer 2006. I’ll warm up the Jaws, Lake Placid, Deep Blue Sea, underwater Godzilla comparisons, you start planning not to buy tickets. Just once I’d like to see a film critic who’s actually happy being a film critic instead of desperately trying to claw his way into the movie industry. Oh hey, that’s me.