Narnia Sequel Gets Dated

The next Narnia movie is roaring along, hopefully you’re not surprised that Disney’s top grossing live action movie of all time is getting a follow up. For the second movie, they’ll adapt the next in C.S. Lewis’ series of books, called Prince Caspian.

Disney is moving ahead on the sequel, and according to The Hollywood Reporter they’re targeting a Christmas 2007 release for the movie. They’d better hurry before the kids from the first film grow up, but hopefully the same cast will be back. Director Andrew Adamson has already been signed on to the sequel, which he’ll also produce and co-write.

Really, there’s a good chance this second movie could be a lot better than the first one. I’ve always found The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe to be the weakest of C.S. Lewis’ books. Prince Caspian and the book that follows it, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader are by far the series best. In Prince Caspian, the kids from the first film return to Narnia a few months later, only to discover that in Aslan’s land 1,000 years have passed. Narnia has been taken over by a cruel bunch of human invaders, and the Pevinsie kids must help the country’s rightful king, Prince Caspian battle to win his throne. Also I’m sure there’s something really vague in there about Jesus that you extremists can latch onto and turn into a religious experience instead of oh… I don’t know… reading the Bible. If there isn’t, maybe Disney will add it. Put up a few crosses or something and engage in a rousing chorus of “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”.