Red Cliff Trailer: John Woo Shoots China's History In Slo-Mo

The first trailer for Red Cliff looks absolutely beautiful. One problem though: It’s a John Woo film. Unless he’s changed his ways you’ll be sick of how beautiful it is by the end, as he pummels you to death in each and every scene with excessive slow motion. Or maybe he’s learned his lesson, once he’d ruined Mission Impossible and suddenly ceased to be relevant. I don’t see any doves in this trailer, that could be a good sign.

His latest, Red Cliff, is a historical drama set based on a legendary 208 A.D. battle that heralded the end of the Han Dynasty. So at least you know there won’t be a slow motion scene in which a guy flies through the air while firing two guns. Watch the first trailer for Red Cliff in glorious HD over at Apple, or watch it below.

Josh Tyler