Rumor Control: Taylor Swift Is Not Supergirl

Taylor Swift’s relationship with Taylor Lautner isn’t the only element of the singer’s life that’s come crumbling down: so has the idea of her starring in a film as Supergirl. She’s better off this way. Not only is marrying someone with the same first name a little odd, but so is a film called Supergirl! The Love Story.

It was clear from the start that this news needed to be put under a serious rumor alert. Sure enough, Holly Scoop’s ‘industry insider’ is proven wrong by a DC spokesperson. As reported by Digital Spy, a spokesperson told RTTNews, "I'd love to know who the 'Hollywood insider' is, because that's as clueless a thing as I've heard all year."

I can’t pass any judgment on Swift’s acting abilities until Valentine’s Day hits theater on February 12th, but concerning the whole Supergirl! The Love Story thing, hopefully the concept is as false as Swift headlining it. Fanboys will have no interest in a superhero movie with an under-16 target audience and fans of someone like, let’s say Swift, would much rather see her in a 3D concert movie or simple romantic comedy pairing her up with Lautner. Yeah, they broke up, but I bet he’d be down for it.

Perri Nemiroff

Staff Writer for CinemaBlend.