Wolverine In Trouble?

Ever the enemy of geeks, it looks like Fox Studios is meddling in and messing up yet another heavily anticipated comic book project. Now they may have set their sights on screwing up one of their own movies, Wolverine.

According to Hollywood-Elsewhere there’s some sort of power struggle going on between Wolverine director Gavin Hood and Fox CEO Tom Rothman. As an example, they cite a situation in which Hood had a dark, dingy, and somber set built for a scene, left the set for a few days, and came back to find his set repainted to be brighter and less of a downer… repainted on Rothman’s orders.

For now, the above account is only a rumor, a rumor from a source HE claims is good. And frankly, it’s easy to believe their story may be true, Rothman and Fox in general are by now almost infamous for this kind of behavior, especially where tentpole, geek-friendly projects are concerned. What, you think X-Men 3 got that awful by accident? Or maybe you saw I, Robot, which Alex Proyas was forced to water down and “Big Willie” up to suit its star’s stereotypical persona. Yep, that was another Fox product. This is after all, the studio that’s trying to keep us from seeing Watchmen. Who didn’t see this coming?

Josh Tyler