How Much Monetary Damage The Fast And Furious Characters Have Caused

Fast and Furious wrecked cars

The beauty and curse of an ongoing action franchise is that with each movie, the spectacle must exceed that of the last. Bigger stunts! Massive explosions! More locations! Maybe no action franchise today better exemplifies this than Fast & Furious, which continues to redefine the word "crazy." City wide destruction, cars raining from the sky and submarines are all present in The Fate of The Furious, but this destruction comes with a price tag. Someone has calculated how much monetary damage Dom and the team have caused over the course of the whole franchise, and like everything with this series, it isn't small, adding up to more than $500 million.

The good folks over at Insure the Gap are mighty big Fast & Furious fans, but they couldn't help but notice the amount of damage caused in each film -- it's kind of their job. So, with the help of classic car consultant Nacho Llacer, they calculated a few different figures, figuring out how much the franchise wide damage costs, how much per movie and which characters caused it. That's some serious research and dedication right there.

In total, the Fast & Furious franchise has accumulated over $525 million dollars over the course of seven films. Holy crap! Throughout these movies, 432 items have been destroyed, including cars, special cars and buildings. The special souped-up cars that the team uses carry a huge sum of that money. For example, the Lykan Hypersport from Furious 7 costs about $3,474,108. Dom (Vin Diesel) and Brian (Paul Walker) destroy it driving through three different towers in Abu Dhabi.

Interestingly enough, the heroes cause FAR more damage than the villains do. The heroes are responsible for well over half of the damage, totaling about $327 million to the villains' $198 million. However, the good guys outnumber the bad, and Furious 7 baddie Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham) is the character who has caused the most damage compared to anyone else with over $186 million. Brian and Dom cause the most car destruction.

It should come as no surprise that later films carry a higher total than earlier ones. The first Fast & Furious pales in comparison to the destruction caused by Furious 7, which featured a loaded drone tearing up the streets of an entire city. In fact, the damage really skyrockets with Fast Five, which fans may know is when the series moved in a more action-packed, over-the-top direction.

With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that The Fate of the Furious will likely have the highest tally when the film comes out later in April. Cars don't come cheap and they literally fall from the sky at one point in that movie. While none of this damage is actually real, some cars do get smashed up making these movies, which makes you wonder just how much that costs for the production.

The Fate of the Furious is set for release on April 14, to the worry of that universe's taxpayers everywhere.

Matt Wood

Matt has lived in New Jersey his entire life, but commutes every day to New York City. He graduated from Rowan University and loves Marvel, Nintendo, and going on long hikes and then greatly wishing he was back indoors. Matt has been covering the entertainment industry for over two years and will fight to his dying breath that Hulk and Black Widow make a good couple.