Adorable Alert: Watch A Little Kid And A Beaver Wave At Each Other

When it comes to aquatic or semi-aquatic animals, dolphins grab the lion’s share of the headlines at the zoo. With their coordinated routines and showoff demeanors, they’re the clear main attractions, but a case could actually be made that the seals, otters and beavers are as much or more fun. Operating with fanfare and relying on boundless energy and a prevailing sense of fun, they actually interact with individual members of the crowd far more, as one little boy recently found out at an Oregon zoo.

The interaction in question was put online back in October, and it features a little dude named Ryan having a waving contest with a beaver. Both parties are cramped up close against the glass divider, and both could seemingly wave their little hands forever. Take a look at the cuteness below…

There are few activities as a child more enjoyable than going to the zoo. It’s a great way to spend six dollars, and it’s a great way to spend quality bonding time with a parent. Luckily, it’s still pretty damn awesome as an adult too. I actually went a few months back, and not surprisingly, I spent most of my afternoon watching the semi-aquatic animals have goofy exchanges like the one pictured in this video.

Editor In Chief

Mack Rawden is the Editor-In-Chief of CinemaBlend. He first started working at the publication as a writer back in 2007 and has held various jobs at the site in the time since including Managing Editor, Pop Culture Editor and Staff Writer. He now splits his time between working on CinemaBlend’s user experience, helping to plan the site’s editorial direction and writing passionate articles about niche entertainment topics he’s into. He graduated from Indiana University with a degree in English (go Hoosiers!) and has been interviewed and quoted in a variety of publications including Digiday. Enthusiastic about Clue, case-of-the-week mysteries, a great wrestling promo and cookies at Disney World. Less enthusiastic about the pricing structure of cable, loud noises and Tuesdays.