The Best Area Rugs (8 X 10)

Most Stately

nuLOOM Moroccan Blythe Area Rug

Minimalistic Perfection

If you're looking for a rug that teeters the line between simple and bold, you're in luck. This deep gray Moroccan area rug is easy on the eyes and offers low-maintenance cleaning as well.

Covered in short, compact polypropylene, this rug is built handsomely. We love this gray rug made by nuLOOM not only because of its gorgeous yet understated design but also because of the low maintenance composition of the rug. It's recommended to vacuum regularly and spot-treat small stains with any carpet cleaner. If you end up with a big stain, dry cleaning might be a good idea, though.

Since the rug is gray, it's simple and versatile enough to work well with about any interior design scheme since gray goes with anything.

This rug will never go out of style!

Key Features

  • Made with polypropylene
  • 0.37 inches tall
  • Gray
  • Easy to clean
Best Accent Piece

Safavieh MAD611F Bohemian Area Rug

Bohemian Chic

Safavieh's area rug offers a splash of color to any room without making too much of a statement. It fits into any space well, plus it's designed to work well in high-traffic areas of the house.

Safavieh's Bohemian Chic vintage area rug is gorgeous to the eye without being too colorful or vibrant. The rug has a cream base with golden yellow accents, accented further with elegant flecks of blue, pink, and gray.

The color of the rug is something to behold, as well as the design of the rug itself. Through a power-loom construction, the rug appears vintage, and yet all of the rugs are consistent and equally durable across the board.

The rug looks vintage and slightly distressed, but in a way that makes it appear a lot more expensive than it actually is.

Another perk is that the polypropylene fibers ensure the long-term durability of the carpet and minimize shedding!

Key Features

  • Made with polypropylene
  • .375 inches tall
  • Distressed bohemian chic design
  • Cream base with gold, blue, pink, and gray accents
Most Eye-Catching

Superior Modern Viking Collection Area Rug

Make A Statement

Covered in an alluring lattice design with noticeable texture and dimension, Superior's area rug is just that — superior.

Superior's 8 x 10 area rug is covered in a lattice design with various shades of gray throughout. In addition to the lattice design, the rug itself has a patterned, almost distressed look because of the interesting spectrum of gray tones.

It is made with polypropylene that is anti-static, moth-proof, and hydrophobic. It's also moisture- and mildew-resistant. In other words, this rug is basically indestructible, so it'll work well even in huge households with lots of messy kiddos running around.

Because of the dark gray color and patterned appearance, even if you do spill on the rug, it's unlikely you'll even be able to see it! Spot cleaning is the best way to preserve the rug in case it does get stained, though.

Key Features

  • Made with polypropylene
  • Various shades of gray
  • Available in eight other color combinations
Most Reliable

Unique Loom Shag Sandy Brown Area Rug

A Rug Fit For High Traffic Spaces

Unique Loom's shag rug is virtually indestructible. It won't shed and it's resistant to all the gross stuff that can find its way into your rug.

Shag rugs aren't exactly a new look, but they never go out of a style, either. They always add a layer of functionality to any space—big or small. They work well in a home theater space because the tall polypropylene fibers make the rug feel smooth to the touch!

Shag rugs are ideal for high-traffic places, so it's best for your movie room since you'll likely be shuffling in and out of the room frequently. To clean it, all you need to do is vacuum or use a carpet cleaner.

This rug is a dark tan or light brown color that matches just about any interior design scheme with flying colors.

Key Features

  • 1.5 inches tall
  • Light brown color
  • Water, mold, and mildew resistant
  • Made with polypropylene
  • Available in over 20 other colors
Alaina Strollo

Alaina is a writer and editor for the TravelAwaits team. Between her love for delicious food, hidden gems and niche destinations, and binge-watching travel series on Netflix, Alaina loves writing most of all. She is a storyteller at heart with a passion for sharing stories with the world.