Adam Gertler Will Work For Food

Food Network has launched yet another new show about where food comes from. Will Work For Food stars The Next Food Network Star runner up Adam Gertler, and will put him to work at the most random of food jobs. This isn’t a kitchen show, or an instructional one. Instead Adam travels around doing the odd jobs such as oyster farming or goat cheese making to showcase the different jobs in the food industry you may not know about.

Adam spoke with us over at our partner site,, about the show and how he came to be a part of the Food Network. ”Well I figured I always wanted to be on television, ever since I was a little kid,” Gertler stated about why he wanted to make the leap from foodie/chef to TV star. It doesn’t hurt that Adam graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in acting. Hey, what better job for an actor than food service? And now he’s combining the thing he loves with the thing he’s trained for.

”I hope, [learning where our food comes from is] what I hope people get out of the show,” Gertler said about what he wants people to see when they watch Will Work For Food. ”I hope people are learning and having a good time while they’re doing it, because that’s what makes knowledge stick. When you’re enjoying it you don’t realize you’re being taught a lesson.”

For the full interview with Adam click over to Will Work For Food airs Monday nights at 9:30 pm EST on the Food Network.

Steve West

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.