Laguna Beach: Cling Kong

The fighting has become fierce in Laguna. I’m not talking about the fights to keep relationships alive or the fights for acceptance in the eyes of the queen clique. ‘Laguna Beach’ has become all about the fighting among non-theme-song supporting players for as much airtime as possible in hopes of getting involved in a major storyline. Nick W. climbed the social ladder with his desperate pursuing of a rebounding Rocky. Lexie officially passed on what was most likely the only opportunity she will ever have for airtime when she decided to stay away from an untrustworthy, phone-number-snatching Alex. Breanna stepped in right where Lexie bowed out as she bantered with Alex over their common tainted histories with Rocky. And then there were all those random, prospect-less friends-of-a-friend pathetically nudging with their elbows for some semblance of a part, but it just never seemed to work out for any of them.

Rocky was all about supporting Tessa (who faithfully declared that she wouldn’t be speaking to Alex), but it was so obvious that it was some half-hearted ploy to sour-grape her way into someone else’s drama to forget her own. Her moping face said it all: the girl couldn’t stop thinking about Alex. Rocky told Tessa that they were both in the same romantic positions even though she was definitely thinking (at least I was) that what Tessa and Derek have (which is, well, just about nothing) is zilch compared to the emotional investment (or pseudo-emotional investment for Alex) Rocky put into that relationship. Cameron warned Derek, who insisted that Tessa isn’t even his girlfriend, that the girl (in “Wedding Crasher” terms, that is) is a complete Stage 5 Clinger.

The producers masterfully planned a raging concert of Chase’s horrendous band to unite some disconnected and conveniently feuding LBers. Tessa barely spoke to Derek before he coldly went off with his guy friends. Rocky, after getting the ultimate snub from Alex, later watched him cattily gossip with Breanna. Alex saw Rocky and Nick W. dance, branding Rocky, in the jealous eyes of Alex, a slut. Rocky, putting an appropriate end to an awkward concert, made some puzzling (drunk) gagging motion while tearlessly sobbing in the parking lot.

Concerts, however, are never over when they’re over. There’s always that earsplitting encore. The dreadfulness of Open Air Stereo’s (um, yeah, exactly) performance thankfully provided for no musical encore, but there was an encore of last week’s break-up clincher revisited this week by Tessa and Derek. Tessa flat out asked Derek about the status of their relationship and Derek quickly responded with a let’s be friends end-all prompting an affected acceptance by Tessa. Cling Kong was totally defeated and let’s just say it wasn’t beauty that killed her.

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