‘One Punk, Under God’ On Sundance

Tattooed and pierced to the hilt, Jay Bakker may not fit the usual image of a religious evangelist, but that hasn’t hindered the only son of Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye Messner from putting together a new generation of Christian punk rockers. This Wednesday, January 10 at 9 PM ET the Sundance Channel will air the fifth and penultimate episode of its original documentary ‘One Punk, Under God’ about Bakker’s Revolution church in Atlanta, GA. To get a taste of ‘OPUG,’ check out this commercial promo:

According to worldofwonder.net, "The 6 episodes will structure around a story arc where Jay examines and tests out a chosen Biblical scripture to discuss in his weekly sermon. We follow as he wrestles with the interpretations in his daily life, and finish the episode with his final sermon, as he preaches to his church members."

The series will also depict Bakker’s professional, emotional, and financial struggles as he runs his church and rediscovers God.

The six part series on Sundance that started last year on December 13 will air on Wednesdays at 9 PM through January 17.

To hear Jay discuss his motivation for the documentary, and for founding his church, check out the OPUG episode one podcast below: