Real Life--And Death-- Drama On Dutch TV

We Americans thought we were bad with 'Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?' and 'The Swan,' but it turns out it's the Dutch who can really plumbs the depths of bad taste.

Tonight on the Dutch network BNN, one woman, identified only as "Lisa," will choose from among three people who will receive her kidneys once she dies. The "star" of 'The Donor Show,' Lisa has an incurable brain tumor. She will choose the person based on conversations with their families and friends, and, this being reality TV, viewers can send in text messages giving advice during the broadcast.

The Dutch government, famously lenient when it comes to prostitution and drug use, has condemned the show, but admits there is no law against it. The network claims it is trying to draw attention to the lack of organ donors in the country, which, granted, has one of the lowest donation rates in the world. Still, it sounds like someone defending 'Survivor' as important advice on how to keep alive in the wilderness.

Though it seems inconceivable that American television would allow such a show on the air, you can almost picture it: with lots of sappy backup music and shots of the woman playing with her kids, Lisa explains that she wants to give the "greatest gift of all" to someone who needs it most. If we have people vying to get on 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition' competing against each other (off-screen, at least), can this really be so far behind? All that's left is the catchy title, which I'm guessing doesn't translate too well from Dutch.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend