Deadpool Creator Compares Film To A Quentin Tarantino Movie

Given that Deadpool is a character unlike any other in comics, we expect his upcoming solo film to have the same kind of standing in the comic book movie genre. It's not just that the feature will be R-rated - which we have seen before with titles like Punisher: War Zone - but also that the titular anti-hero has a style and sense of humor very different from most superheroes. So kind of tone should we be anticipating in the movie? According to Deadpool's co-creator, we should get something akin to the voice of the great Quentin Tarantino.

Rob Liefeld, who teamed with Fabian Nicieza in 1991 to create the red-and-black clad Merc With The Mouth, was a guest at the Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con this weekend, and was while discussing the upcoming movie that the artist made the interesting and exciting announcement. First joking that he won't be taking his own daughter to see the finished Deadpool when it comes out, Liefeld said,

Deadpool's pretty hardcore; it's pretty awesome. When I first read it, I thought 'This is the voice of Tarantino in a comic book movie,' which is perfect because Deadpool is more crime-oriented, action-oriented, obviously, and Tarantino has got a great sense of humor.

Tonally, Deadpool and Quentin Tarantino are a rather perfect match. He's not only a very dialogue-driven character (hence the nickname), but he also very much has strong pop culture sensibilities, and make you laugh and gasp simultaneously - often through very violent means. Of course, this comparison also puts a good amount of pressure on first-time director Tim Miller, as Tarantino has always not just been about tone and voice, but also visual style.

Not much is officially known about the plot of the Deadpool film - based on a script by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick - but it has been confirmed that the movie will be telling an origin story. Depending on how close the film hones to the comic book source material, the story will center on a special forces operative named Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) who is struck with a deadly cancer and entered into a rogue experimental facility to try and cure him. After experiencing many horrific procedures at the hands of the doctor running the program, as well as his sadistic assistant, Ajax (Ed Skrein), eventually Wade winds up with an accelerated healing factor.Unfortunately, the constant battle between the cancer and the mutate ability also messes with his mind in some extreme ways, leaving him largely bonkers.

Deadpool's fantastic supporting cast also includes Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller, and Gina Carano, and the film is currently in post-production. 20th Century Fox has plans to release the film next year during Valentine's Day weekend, February 12th, but stay tuned in the couple weeks, as the project will surely have some fun San Diego Comic-Con plans.

Eric Eisenberg
Assistant Managing Editor

Eric Eisenberg is the Assistant Managing Editor at CinemaBlend. After graduating Boston University and earning a bachelor’s degree in journalism, he took a part-time job as a staff writer for CinemaBlend, and after six months was offered the opportunity to move to Los Angeles and take on a newly created West Coast Editor position. Over a decade later, he's continuing to advance his interests and expertise. In addition to conducting filmmaker interviews and contributing to the news and feature content of the site, Eric also oversees the Movie Reviews section, writes the the weekend box office report (published Sundays), and is the site's resident Stephen King expert. He has two King-related columns.