2012 Pushed Back

If you read Josh's article about the upcoming movies nobody cares about, you’d already know that we aren’t that hyped about 2012. Now it appears that our disinterest will have to last a little longer.

In an effort to get those of us who are disinterested to be more interested in the movie, Sony moved the release date of the disaster film from summer to fall, according to THR. The move from July 10th to November 13th will let the CGI orgy linger over the Thanksgiving holiday and hopefully make everyone involved very, very rich. Or richer.

The Sony execs say this just to give them a big event movie for the fall and clear up the clutter for all their other great summer movies like The Taking of Pelham 123, The Year One, Julie and Julia, and District 9. "We've had such success with the James Bond films in November that we wanted a big tentpole film in that slot this year,"Sony distribution president Rory Bruer said. This doesn’t really move it off the “movies I don’t care about” list, but maybe by November, it will.