Clerks 2 Gives An Internet Exclusive

This August, Kevin Smith returns to theaters to prove his Bennifer severed manhood by returning to that which made him famous in the first place. No, I'm not talking about overuse of the "F" word (though he'll probably do that too), I'm talking about Clerks 2.

The film hits theaters August 18, and so far hasn't done much to let people know of its existence beyond advertising to Smith's hardest of hardcore fans on the internet. You know, people who would have known and will buy a ticket anyway. Seems like a waste of money to me.

That trend continues, with the release of the film's first trailer as an Internet Exclusive on the Smith-fan filled official Clerks 2 website. Or maybe it's the Clerks II website. Probably not, I don't think obsessive fanboys use roman numerals.

Fanboy issues aside, the trailer looks pretty solid. Did we need a Clerks 2? Not really, but if you're going to make one it's probably a good idea to cast Rosario Dawson and geek her up until she out-cutes herself into the ultimate nerd fantasy. Where as this Rosario Dawson in Alexander? Oh that's right, hiding behind a pair of massive melons. What? She ate fruit! It was ancient Greece, they didn't have Jolly Ranchers yet.

So, to watch the Clerks 2 Internet Exclusive Trailer and escape my sub-par ranting, click here and visit our Clerks 2 video compendium. Then celebrate by renting Jersey Girl and admitting to yourself that it's not really that bad.

Josh Tyler