Could Chris Pine Be Captain America?

Brace yourself; another round of superhero movie rumors is about to blast off. The whole Logan Lerman/Spider-Man debacle is behind us; now, we’re onto Chris Pine as Captain America. As reported by Cinema Spy, the Star Trek star is the guy has the best chance to seal the deal and secure the starring role in The First Avenger: Captain America.

They claim to have a source who’s “well-connected within the Paramount hierarchy,” but also note that this is a mere tip and is possibly just gossip. Here’s the news the source divulged:

Anyway, just thought you guys might like to know that Paramount and Marvel are pretty close to closing a deal on casting Steve Rogers/Captain America and fans might be excited to learn that the short list includes somebody a lot of fans speculated about, Chris Pine. From what I'm hearing, he's the frontrunner right now, though that could change. Can't tell you who the other couple of choices are, cause that'll work against me for reasons I don't want to get into.

Anyone can see there’s something rather shady going on here. Why would exposing the other candidates work against this person? Is this a Paramount executive pulling for Pine? Does he or she think that Internet buzz could boost his chances? That seems logical, but again, Cinema Spy nobly admits they have no way of verifying their source’s legitimacy. We’ll all find out soon enough because director Joe Johnston recently explained, "We need to cast it soon” and "we have a very short list, but we're still juggling actors here. I'd say within the next couple of weeks we'll have ourselves a Captain America, I hope." A time line from a guy who made The Wolfman? Now that I can’t take seriously.

Perri Nemiroff

Staff Writer for CinemaBlend.