Fast and Furry-less

Everyone's favorite extremely jacked bald man, Vin Diesel is hard at work filming his new flick Find Me Guilty for (honarary) Academy Award Winning Director Sidney Lumet. Lumet, who's directed Al Pacino in Serpico and A Dog Day Afternoon began to actually court Joe Pesci for the main role. When Pesci's deal fell through, Lumet went for another choice...Diesel. Makes perfect sense if you ask yeah.

Despite Diesel being the second choice to Joe Pesci, more oddities are appearing. An image has appeared online with Diesel in his get up for the film. Vinny's got hair. Diesel teased audiences with his follicles in the F. Gary Gray movie A Man Apart but now he's all gung-ho. Only this time he's wearing a wig. Scroll Down to view the pic.

Currently without a Distributor or a release date look for Find Me Guilty in the future.