Hitchhiker Photo

This is the sort of news story that has me doing a funny dance of disturbed delight. For me, this is akin to the first picture of Ian McKellan in full Gandalf garb or the first shots of Bag End when they’d first started filming Fellowship of the Ring. Because below this story you’ll find the first picture from the set of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy with Martin Freeman in full Arthur Dent garb, complete with requisite hitchhiking towel.

It’s a scan from an upcoming issue of the British mag Empire and if what people are saying is correct, may only be one of several contained in it. Empire just became my favorite magazine.

If you’re wondering why Arthur would have his towel while standing in front of bulldozers, its because this picture may not be during actual photography, but probably in between takes with our man Dent and they’re man Ford just hanging out while they wait for things to get rolling. Naturally, Freeman must have taken that opportunity to go pick up his towel for comfort. Maybe he was hungry and had to suck on one of the corners a bit.

So scroll down a bit to see the pic, or just wait for the next issue of Empire, if you’re some of self loathing sadist.

Blend News Network

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