Hollywood Unites Against Piracy

Get ready for in-theater cavity searches, Hollywood’s six biggest movie studios have united to fund a company with the sole purpose of combating piracy. It’s easier to blame lawbreakers for your unprofitability than to actually take responsibility for making shitty movies. As long as the stockholders are happy, right?

The six studios involved in the newly formed Motion Picture Laboratories venture are Universal, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Paramount, Sony, and Walt Disney. The Movielab (as it’s also called) will receive at least $30 million dollars of funding, just in its first year, as it struggles to protect copyrights and oh yeah… line fat, corporate wallets.

The Lab will be researching a variety of existing technologies, as well as coming up with new ones to invade your privacy. Currently on the table are things like Camcorder jammers and ways to monitor the internet to detect the sharing of illegal content, personal freedoms be damned.

Let’s hope this won’t also result in more annoying