Howard Suggests Winners Give Their Awards To Ledger

Yesterday when the 2009 GG nominations were announced, The Dark Knight was left out in the cold, except for a single Supporting Actor nomination for Heath Ledger. Somewhat shocking when you consider how well reviewed and received the film was initially. At least there’s that one, much deserved nomination for Ledger. But will he win it? Actor Terrence Howard suggests that even if he doesn’t, whoever does win ought to hand their award over.

Speaking to WENN Howard says, “I'm sure he will (win). Even if someone else won in his category, if I had won in that category, I would give it to his family because he truly had the best performance.” Terrence isn’t nominated for a Golden Globe so that’s not happening. Does this mean that if he’s nominated and wins in some other award ceremony he’ll hand that award over? That’s a theory we’ll probably never get to test, since the best Howard had to offer this year was his dead behind the eyes performance in Iron Man. Entertaining, but not particularly award worthy Terrence. This is a claim you’ll probably never have to give up.

If you read my editorial yesterday you already know where I stand on this issue. The Dark Knight and Ledger in particular, deserves not only to be nominated for just about everything but to win it as well. Maybe some of the other actors actually nominated along with him in the Supporting category should speak up. What about it Robert Downey? If you win a GG for wearing blackface, are you willing to give it up to Ledger’s family?

Howard expresses the necessity of awarding Ledger in terms we can all understand, by using Jack-o-nomics. He says, “He gave more than I have seen any other actor give, he brought a new light. How do you step into Jack Nicholson's shoes? How do you do that and stretch that? He stretched Jack Nicholson's shoes.”

Josh Tyler