Last Batch Of W.O.W.

With the film opening today (I wish studios would be more sparing with this Wednesday openings) DreamWorks is ready to let loose of a few juicier photos from War of the Worlds. No, they still aren't showing any tripods. You may have noticed a distinct lack of tripods in our Spielberg themed logo this week… well that's why. If you want to see them, you'll have to head to a theater. If there's any place to see it, in the cinema is the place. This is one of those movies that no matter HOW good your home theater system is, you're doing it a complete injustice if you're watching it anywhere but in the absolute best movie theater in your area. Don't wait for the DVD. You need to see it in a theater seat.

Anyway, to help further whet your appetite (for those of you who didn't see it tonight) here's a few more tripod-free images from the film. Some of the best so far. At least Tom Cruise isn't just screaming and pointing. Give them time to load. I'm far too lazy to put them on a separate page. What's the point.