The Lighthouse Movie Shines

Lighthouses, the lumbering structures that send out signals to guide ships, are often given the cold shoulder by movies. They may resemble huge phallic objects, but they do also serve a purpose. Apparently Touchstone Pictures has decided it’s time to give them the star treatment.

According to Hollywood Reporter, the studio has scooped up the rights to The Lighthouse, a claustrophobic thriller by Dean Deblois. He co-wrote Mulan and also helped write and direct Lilo & Stitch. It will be produced by Andrew Gunn and his Gunn Films company.

The tale takes place off the coast of Brittany in the English Channel. When a man comes by a lighthouse on an isolated rock to install automated equipment, he encounters two brothers who freak him out. As it turns out, they have been living there for years (yikes), and have a lot of dirty secrets just waiting to sneak out.