More Fantastic Four Images Online

We’ve already told you today about the pictures of the green-suited Silver Surfer from the upcoming Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer sequel. But those aren’t the only pics making the rounds from that movie. Photo-sharing site flickr seems to be running rampant with wedding pictures from the upcoming film.

That’s right, Fantastic Four 2 will feature the wedding, or at least an attempt at a wedding, by Reed Richards and Sue Storm. The image to the right is just a glimpse of Sue (played by Jessica Alba) being led down the aisle by her brother Johnny (Chris Evans). There are a lot more pictures collected from different photographers to be found around the internet though.

Because this is where we saw them first, we suggest clicking here for a good supply of pictures (courtesy of f4moviesdotcom). On the chance those get pulled down (not that a studio like Fox would ever request something like that) just do a search around. There are enough people carrying pictures over there that there are bound to be some lying around somewhere.