More Marvin

There’s something special about midgets in suits. Verne Troyer is so much less impressive out of Mini-Me costume. The same is true of Warwick Davis. Have you seen Willow? Luckily, he’s pretty damn good when zipped into something foamy. He’ll be the guy inside Marvin, the paranoid Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy android. We’ve seen quite a bit of him so far… in fact he’s just about the only thing the HHG people have been releasing photos of. So, just because you can’t really have enough Marvin, here’s another to your right.

This pic, courtesy of the Warwick Davis Fanpage can be found in this week’s Entertainment Weekly as part of their traditional Summer Movie Preview.

Alright, Marvin seen. Again. How about a Vogan guys? Or maybe a nice Trillian pic? The best I can manage is an Arthur Dent action figure… because nothing spells toy line like a guy in a dirty bathrobe. I hear he has actual towel sucking action. The good bits are in the corner. Instead, I think I’ll be purchasing a Marvin action figure. Take a look at them both below.