Sex Talk For The City Again

HBO has definitely been in the limelight for the past few weeks. With “Sopranos” having taken its final bows and hit shows like “Sex in the City” in the past, the cable network is being scrutinized for stability. But just because those shows have closed doesn’t mean they are done.

Now we know David Chase isn’t currently planning on carrying his “Sopranos” families into the theatre, but it appears a “Sex and the City” film is being tossed around again, and from the strangest of places. Former HBO chief Chris Albrecht has shown that, just because he isn’t controlling the network anymore, he’s still in the picture. In fact, according to Variety, he’s still trying to move “Sex and the City” towards theaters – unofficially, of course, since nothing is on paper yet.

Albrecht was in charge of HBO while early discussions of a movie bringing Carrie Bradshaw and the rest of the girls to the big screen. Cast rifts and a refusal from Kim Cattrall to participate held the project up, but reportedly all parties are ready to go. Now they just need a deal, which it seems Albrecht is trying to make happen.

HBO has a couple other shows to keep them afloat and build up again, including “Big Love” and, of course, “Entourage”. I’m sure fans of Carrie and Cosmopolitans would love to see the network build up include a new tale of “Sex and the City”, however.