news:blended 7.28 - 8.3

Too lazy to read all the wonderful news our insightful crew scours the globe to bring you every day? Too outmoded to have an MP3 player for the podcast? Shame on you all! However, being the generous lot we are, welcome to news:blended, your weekly guide to the most interesting stories reported on Cinema Blend over the last seven days.

This was a week for The Ten and comic book adaptations. We had three interviews with cast and crew of the Ten Commandments movie and they actually answered our questions. Nearly every other story was about comic book adaptations in one way or another. Maybe not, but it will seem like it.


If this is 2011, it must be The Magician’s Nephew.

Good looking girl probably will be in movie.

Disney has decided to strike while the iron is hot. Starting in 2008 all the rest of the Narnia adaptations will be released yearly. This is because Liam Neeson only has six years to live. Not really. Someone with many years to live is Megan Fox, most recently seen in Transformers. Now word comes that she might star in a comic book adaptation. That’s because every third movie must be a comic book adaptation these days. Not really.


Watchmen teases us.

Edward Norton fires up the word processor.

Watchmen is a highly anticipated….um….comic book adaptation. When you have something like that people want to start seeing stuff now even if the movie is a year or more away. So, there is a teaser poster out. Like most teaser posters and trailers it tells you nothing but looks good doing it. Is it just me or does Edward Norton come off like kind of a dick? Word is he has rewritten the script for The Incredible Hulk, the second try at getting that …..uh.…comic book adaptation off the ground.


Iron Man, Iron Man, does whatever….Iron can.

Ingmar Bergman dies, movies still here.

Comic-Con in San Diego sometimes had first looks at highly anticipated upcoming movies. So you either had to fly to America’s Finest City or wait for one of America’s Finest Citizens to record the footage with their camcorder and post it on the net. That’s what someone did with footage for the ….uh….comic book adaptation, Iron Man. Also, Ingmar Bergman died. In addition to often being confused with Ingrid Bergman, who was a totally different person, he made a lot of influential and respected movies.


Big scoop about bad movie.

The Ten interview has more than ten questions.

We were the first to tell you that Legolas and Will Turner himself, Orlando Bloom is in talks to join Angels & Demons, the follow-up of the lousy The DaVinci Code. Nothing is confirmed but our source has been right on the money before. A movie that probably won’t make as much money as Angels & Demons is The Ten. The co-writers and director, Ken Marino and David Wain, took time out of their busy schedules to sit down with Katey Rich to explain that inspiration of this movie about the Ten Commandments was, well, God.


Paul Rudd is all about the comedy.

It’s not too late to cash in on Blade Runner.

After talking to the co-writers and directors of The Ten, Katey Rich sat down with actor/producer Paul Rudd. Rudd explained why he was willing to do anything to help with the movie. This included having an affair with Jessica Alba, poor guy. Ridley Scott is also willing to do anything to pull a few more dollars out of the now 25 year old Blade Runner movie. He wants to do a sequel. Don’t stop there, Ridley, just because all the main people in Gladiator died is no reason not to exploit that brand name.


Gretchen Mol is IT.

Sam Raimi wants Bruce Campbell to not direct the next Spidey.

That whole It Girl thing must be a real pain in the ass. Gretchen Mol was one back in the day and then here career went nowhere. But she is still around and Katey Rich got an interview with her to ask her about her role in The Ten and some other projects. A nice source also told us that Sam Raimi isn’t ruling out directing the next Spider-Man movie. However, if he only produces the ….uh….comic book adaptation, he has an idea for the next director. Unfortunately the scooper won’t drop a name, just a vague description. So read the whole item and see if you can guess.


Actor you don’t know to play hero you don’t know.

Variety was not quite so right this time.

What better way to wind up the week than talking about The Spirit, a….ummm….comic book adaptation to be directed by Frank Miller. They signed a relative unknown to play the hero. It’s appropriate, since the hero is a relative unknown to most people, too. Better known is Ricky Gervais who Variety said was going to be in a movie called Early Retirement. When someone called his publicist to check, they said he wasn’t. That’s too bad, since I’ve watched all of the “Extras” and “The Office” DVDs and I need some more of that Ricky.

That’s all for another week of news blending. It’s like what you get at Jamba Juice, but cheaper and not quite as healthy. If you liked it or didn’t, leave some feedback.