news blended 8.25 - 8.31

Too lazy to read all the wonderful news our insightful crew scours the globe to bring you every day? Too outmoded to have an MP3 player for the podcast? Shame on you all! However, being the generous lot we are, welcome to news:blended, your weekly guide to the most interesting stories reported on Cinema Blend over the last seven days.

Looking back at the summer movie season to find the money winners and losers is a hard job, but Josh Tyler and Scott Gwin were up to it. Actually, it’s not that hard a job, which is probably why they were able to squeeze it into a night at Hooters. So this week we give you their not-so-hard analysis and information about other movies that hope to make a few dollars in the near or far future.


Ang Lee puts man and woman together, as the gods intended.

If you plan on seeing the Alien Vs. Predator sequel….why?

The last time Ang Lee got behind a camera, he put two dudes together, which nobody wants to see. With his new movie, Lust, Caution, Lee is back to throwing two people together but this time it’s a man and a woman. Unfortunately, he put them together a little too much and got the film rated NC-17. The Alien Vs. Predator sequel also brings things together. But these are just monstery things and not sex things, so pretty much anything is allowed blood-wise. If you want to see a preview of how much blood you can expect, watch the trailer.


Mack hates your kids.

Superbad farts all over Nanny Diaries, but then so does everyone.

If there is one thing Mack Rawden hates, it’s damn fool kids who like stupid stuff. Stuff like liking Zac Efron, who a bunch of damn fool kids named the king of all actors or some such. I think they did it so Mack would become CB’s answer to Grandpa Simpson, and boy, it sure worked. Another thing that worked is Superbad spending another week atop the box office pile. The Nanny Diaries, based on a popular book and starring a popular actress, did much worse than Superbad, which starred a guy you barely know and that kid from the failed TV show. Go figure.


False Sweeny Todd information gets everyone in a lather.

Good book will hopefully be good movie.

On Monday word came that Tim Burton’s Sweeny Todd adaptation was getting pressure to be PG-13, despite its subject matter of murder and cannibalism. Later in the week we found out that wasn’t going to happen, but at least it got everyone’s heart pumping for awhile. Your heart would also pump with Javier Bardem carrying a shotgun your way. He’s going to be doing that in No Country for Old Men, the Coen Brother’s next flick. Hopefully the movie will be as good as the book.


Two Corey’s is one too many.

Our coverage of Locarno is better than yours.

There has been entirely too much discussion of the Corey’s Haim and Feldman. For some reason someone is going to make a Lost Boys sequel (about 20 years too late) and maybe have both Corey’s in it. Or maybe just one. Or maybe we should all find something better to think about. We could think about Switzerland and all the movies Miranda is watching and writing about. The latest is Nothing but Ghosts


Scott and Josh discuss more money than you will ever see.

David Goyer has a big arrow.

Those hazy, lazy crazy summer movies are giving way to the dregs of early fall and it’s time to rate the winners and losers. As usual, the winners were mostly franchises, most of which have just stopped trying to make anything good and have started pushing product. But it’s product we know, so it rakes in $250 million plus. David Goyer knows something about big earning films and has talked about two of his upcoming projects that should pack them in the seats. One is the Magneto prequel and the other is a Green Arrow in prison story. I can’t wait to see Green Arrow, although I hope Green Lantern shows up somewhere. .


Top 5 movies from the Wilson brother who tried to be no more.

Terrible movie may get remake but terrible actor doesn’t think so.

Owen Wilson’s personal life just moved over to Crazy Town so now is as good a time as any to review his filmography. Josh Tyler noted which of Owen’s oeuvre he prefers, but there are some handy voting buttons for you to list your choices. One movie that will never make the list of my favorites is The Goonies. I really hated that movie and it’s appeal to others is always one of those mysteries of life. Someone wants to make a sequel and here’s to hoping they get hit by a bus. Not really a bus, I guess, but maybe a fast moped that puts them out of commission for a few months.


Not every Star Trek actor will be from Heroes, it just seems that way.

If you were gonna take an Asian guy from “Heroes” to be in your movie, wouldn’t you pick Hiro? Well, if rumors are true, the Star Trek guys are bucking the obvious and picking the guy who played Hiro’s buddy Ando to be Sulu in the new movie. Never saw that coming.

That’s all for another week of news blending. It’s like what you get at Jamba Juice, but cheaper and not quite as healthy. If you liked it or didn’t, leave some feedback.